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Found 1569 results for any of the keywords obama is. Time 0.008 seconds.
The Obama Foundation WordPress Showcase WordPress.orgThe Obama Foundation, founded by former President of the United States Barack Obama, is a nonprofit organization that supports a variety of…
Repeal the NFA and the Hughes act | the CRASEWell it s been a while but it loosk like things are coming around, especially for firearm rights. Obama is OUT along with a majority in congress the president is a Republican which generally means good things for fir
Welcome to the Obama Foundation | The Obama FoundationThe Obama Foundation's mission is to inspire, empower, and connect people to change their world.
Latest videos | Bible Folk - Conservative Christian Social Network ...Watch all Latest videos at Bible Folk - Conservative Christian Social Network - Welcome home Pilgrim! You have arrived!.
The New Pamphleteers: Act Worthy Of YourselvesAn online notebook of thoughts and scribbles, mostly related to politics and culture.
Charles Farquharson Net Worth, Age, Bio, Wiki, Career, Kids, FactsCharles Farquharson is the father of Rory. View the latest Wiki of Charles Farquharson find Married Life, Net Worth, Age, Height More.
Right Side of HelenaA conservative view of Helena. All postings are the opinions of the individual posters. We may not agree with or support any posting. Everyone is encouraged to be civil and post only arguements and not insults.
Is Barack vindicating his vision? JeannieologyTo “fundamentally transform” the greatest nation in the world into a shadow of its former self, Obama applied community organization strategies. The goal was to convert individualism into consensus and employ strong-arm
PHILOSOPHICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: THEY DARE NOT SPEAK ITS NAMEBy our best enemies we do not want to be spared, nor by those either whom we love from the very heart. So let me tell you the truth!
democracyarsenal.orgNational Security Network's Democracy Arsenal. A blog devoted to opinion, commentary, and sparring on U.S. foreign policy and global affairs.
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